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If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that you are worth celebrating!

The transformation you have experienced since moving to your adopted country is something so momentous, and yet it is so under-recognised and under-appreciated.  

You may well be the only one to know just how much you’ve grown.  You’re the one who’s felt all the emotions and overcome all the cultural and language hurdles, to bring you to where you are now.  Maybe you’re still in the middle of it all, reaching for this new version of you in your new country.

Do you ever celebrate yourself and the many stages of your evolution?


Well, we’re about to rectify that!

Allow me to share a moment with you here as we raise our imaginary glasses of champagne and shout from the rooftops . . .

“YAY, YOU!!  You absolute star!  May you revel in the joy of being you, of acknowledging just how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown personally.  And may you celebrate in advance the captivating evolution of you that is yet to come.  Cheers to your Past Self who was brave enough to make the decision to create a new life for herself.  Cheers to your Present Self who has become a more fascinating woman because of the layers of culture and growth that now form a part of your identity.  And cheers to your Future Self, who is celebrating along with you as she entices you forward toward the next exciting evolution of you.  I admire you all.”

Woohoo, how did that feel?!

I hope it opened your eyes a little more to your value.

While having a glass of champagne, real or imaginary, and toasting your growth is fun and gorgeous and totally a thing to do, it’s a one-off moment.

So what if you transformed those champagne bubbles into bubbles of daily joy and celebration?

Celebrating yourself and your personal evolution every day will spark quantum leaps of growth with deliciously long-lasting benefits.

I’m going to share with you now 3 joyful (and surprising) daily intentions that, if you choose to embrace them, will spark the next stage of your exciting evolution with panache.

Ready?  Here we go . . .

1.  Wake up each morning CHOOSING how you’d love to show up for yourself.

Today is today.  Not yesterday.  Not tomorrow.  

This moment right now is the moment that contains all the power.  

Your own personal power . . . to choose.  

To choose how you want to show up for yourself.

To choose your thoughts.  To choose what you wear.  To choose how you speak.  To choose what you eat and in what delightful way you’d like to eat it.  

All of these choices add up to you designing how you want to feel, because each of these aspects affects the way you feel.

And the way you feel is everything.


So celebrate yourself and your evolution every day with the choices you make.

Say to yourself: “Today is a day that I will love the way I show up for myself and evolve on purpose.”

2.  Evolve on purpose.

You’re going to evolve anyway.  It’s inevitable.

So imagine how much fun it could be to evolve purposefully!

Let’s take the choices outlined in Step 1 and make each one captivatingly real.

* Choose your thoughts

As soon as you wake up, consider the thoughts with which you will begin your day.

Take a quick look at the thoughts that appear to you automatically.

Do they make you feel good?

If not, tweak them.

Choose thoughts that feels good


If it’s hard to believe a too-happy thought, then reach for a thought that contains an element of relief or hope or possibility.

Here are some examples:

Automatic morning thought:  “I feel tired.”

You celebratory thought might be, “What if I could feel tired and enjoy my day anyway?”

Automatic morning thought: “I don’t like my work.”

Celebratory thought: “I don’t like my work, but I do enjoy the company of one of the ladies at work.  And I do like my cappuccino in the morning.  And I do like the satisfying feeling of doing a good job.” 

This one small ritual at the beginning of your day will seriously elevate your experience of that day.

And when you do that every day, you will gradually become the woman you really want to be.

On purpose.

* Choose your outfit

This is a fun one!

Find something in your wardrobe that makes you feel good when you put it on.

A top, some trousers, a skirt or dress, a pair of shoes, a scarf, a belt or a handback.

Pick at least one thing that makes you smile and wear it.

If you wear a uniform to work, choose a nice piece of jewellery, or put on some lipstick, or wear your hair differently.

And whatever you’re wearing for your day, definitely slide into some cute/fun/sporty/gorgeous underwear!

Celebrate who you’re becoming by wearing something that feels good.

* Choose how to speak

What words will you choose today?

How will they sound as they eminate from your mouth?

Will they sound kind?  Uplifting?  Graceful, funny, cute, powerful? 

How would you like your words to sound today?

Celebrate by choosing words that feel good.

*Choose what and how you eat

Mmmmm, so much variety and so many scrumptious ways to celebrate.

Choose flavours and ingredients that makes you feel good, and really enjoying eating them

Celebrate by eating to create well-being.

Celebrate by revelling in a treat.

Celebrate by tasting something you’ve never had before.

Eating alone (ie. in the company of your own fabulous self)?

Do it in style!

Add a flower.

A cloth napkin.

A pretty plate.

TV/telly dinner?

Place your meal on an attractive tray.

Or make your plain tray look attractive by adding any or all of the items above.

Or just eat on your lap and feel the delight of snuggling in front of a show with a good meal.

Celebrate by choosing what you eat and how you eat it in a way that makes you feel good.

3.  An evening wink.

Before you hop into bed, look in the mirror, give yourself a smile and a wink (I know, it feels silly when you do it, but it’s also soooo cute that it will make you smile) and say, “Yay, you!”

Did you show up for yourself today the way you wanted to?


Did you maybe not show up for yourself exactly as you desired?

Still, a wink and a smile, and say,

“Maybe you messed up a bit today, lovely.  But I’ve got you!  It’s all a part of the journey of evolving into the woman you want to be. This wink is from your fabulous future self, winking back at you, celebrating!”

See how fun that feels?

So, those are my three daily bubbles of joy that will transform your evolution into a purposeful experience that you will love.

Celebrating your evolution is an art that you can cultivate.  The more you do it, the more you’ll see how it creates a more confident, more self-aligned, more expressive and joyful version of YOU.

It’s just practice, gorgeous! You’ll get better at it every day.

This week I’ve been celebrating myself and YOU at the same time.


Because I released my book and it’s available for Pre-Order!  I’m enormously excited!

This is a book that celebrates YOU and all the incredible qualities you’ve shown and grown as you create a life in your adopted country. 

Next week I’m going to share the Introduction with you.  

Yep, I’m actually going to read you the introductory chapter!  

I hope it will leave you feeling seen, appreciated and celebrated. 

AND, lead you with excited anticipation toward becoming the woman you want to be, wherever you are in the world.

Until then, fill your week with little moments of celebration of your journey so far.

Judith x


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Available Now for PRE-ORDER! 
A celebration of YOU.
See all about it HERE.

Here's what pre-release readers are saying . . .

"Unputdownable! The material really hit home for me in an entertaining and genuine way that made me want to make changes."

"A heart-warming, soul-searching, uplifting book with many laugh-out-loud moments. A clear 5/5 rating that presented itself right when I needed it."

"Thank you for writing this awesome book about our journey as an immigrant. Even just reading the intro, I feel important, as if it was written just for me."